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Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney Cozy Up During a Promotional Event of TGlen Powell and Sydney Sweeney cozy up during a promotional event of their new movie after the actor s girlfriend unfollowed her.
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Recurring issue echoes in fifth round of 30-year Leandro case | North(The Center Square) One issue repeatedly came up during oral arguments Thursday in the school funding lawsuit before the North Carolina Supreme Court.
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Live | Chatham Maritime TrustOriginally a series of marshy inlets, St Mary s Island was enclosed and made up during the great expansion of the dockyard in the late 19th century. This expans
Orange news, sport and weather | Central Western Daily | Orange, NSWCentral Western Daily delivers latest news from Orange NSW including sport, weather, entertainment and lifestyle.
Public Scholarship For Digital DignityIn a new podcast produced by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Matthias Quent, Andrea Abele-Brehm, Sahana Udupa, Christoph Neuberger, Anna Wegscheider, Marina Chernivsky, Max Czollek, Astrid Seville, Irma Trommer and Mar
Ambassador Generation | The 60s Kids Come of AgeDid you grow up during the 1960s? Your time has come! The lost generation of Sixties Kids is ready to lead!
Randomness: Oscar Notes 2013 | The Flick ChicksI m foregoing the live blog this year as it keeps me from actually enjoying the show itself. Instead I m tracking random thoughts that pop up during the night.
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